Active Bystander and Allyship Workshop for ES/CS/SAS

Category: Educational/Clinical Supervisors - Established Trainers Courses

Date: November 8th 2024 9:30am until 12:00pm

Location: Online


Course ID: SW24-122


Associated Ladders of Learning:

  • 9 - New Courses
  • For more information please click here to find our Course Catalogue


Our learning environment, relationships with our peers and teachers and the feelings of inclusion and belonging are key for achieving one’s full potential. These are some of the key principles found to influence and address the differential attainment gap that exists. The Active Bystander training aims to empower educators and learners across our education community to recognise and challenge poor behaviours and practices that have a negative impact on an individual’s experience. This is a powerful tool, evidenced to empower and help bring about cultural change and collectively create a safer and more supportive learning and working environment for all.


  1. Gain understanding of the bystander effect and what it is to be an active bystander
  2. Understanding unconscious bias and cultural influences on behaviour
  3. Understanding the effects of microaggression
  4. Recognising unacceptable behaviours and microaggressions
  5. Dealing with negative reactions and challenging conversations
  6. Case scenarios and small group work


Associate Dean Secondary Care, Associate DME, College/Specialty Tutor, Deputy Dean, DME, Educational/Clinical Supervisor Secondary Care, Dental Educational/Clinical Supervisor, HoS, SAS Doctor (Associate Specialist, Specialist, Speciality Doctor, Staff Grade, Tutor), TPD Secondary Care or Public Health Supervisor

Course Length:

This is a half day course, starting at 09:30 and finishing at 12:00.


Online via MSTeams or Zoom

Booking for these courses will be taken on MaxCourse, our online booking system.

Information about how to use MaxCourse can be found on our website.

Please email with any questions, before and on the day.