Effective Communication Across Different Cultures for ES/CS/SAS
Category: Educational/Clinical Supervisors - Established Trainers Courses
Date: April 18th 2024 9:30am until 3:00pm
Location: Zoom
Course ID: SW24-005
Associated Ladders of Learning:
- Recent Addition
- For more information please click here to find our Course Catalogue
Arriving in the UK from abroad to work within the NHS could be intimidating all on its own but throw in cultural differences and this can create all sorts of challenges. This interactive workshop concentrates on understanding the British culture surrounding the NHS and the challenges faced by doctors starting their career.
- What do we mean by cultural communication.
- NHS Culture
- Patient expectations
- Why are communication skills so important.
- Rapport building / Small talk
- Improving verbal communication
- Idioms and colloquialisms
- Accent softening
- Perspectives
- Effective body language and gestures
- How to show empathy
- Breaking bad news
Associate Dean Secondary Care, Associate DME, College/Specialty Tutor, Deputy Dean, DME, Educational/Clinical Supervisor Secondary Care, Dental Educational/Clinical Supervisor, GP Educational/Clinical Supervisor, HoS, SAS Doctor (Associate Specialist, Specialist, Speciality Doctor, Staff Grade, Tutor), TPD Secondary Care or Public Health Supervisor.
Course Length:
This is a one day course starts at 09:30 and finishing at 15:00
Online via Zoom
Booking for these courses will be taken on MaxCourse, our online booking system.
Information about how to use MaxCourse can be found on our website.
Please email england.facultydevelopment.sw@nhs.net with any questions, before and on the day.