HEE-SW Faculty Development Webinar: Managing Stress FULL
Category: Educational/Clinical Supervisors - Established Trainers Courses
Date: March 29th 2021 10:00am until 1:00pm
Location: Microsoft Teams
HEE-SW Faculty Development Webinar: Managing Stress (previously Managing Stress in the Workplace)
Educational & Clinical Supervisors only.
Time: 10:00 to 13:00
To book your place, fill in this short form. If you are successful, you will receive an online invitation to the event by email in advance of your chosen date. Please email FacultyDevelopment.SW@hee.nhs.uk with any questions, before and on the day.
This course covers:
- Recognising stress in individuals, and ourselves.
- Accessing the necessary help, support, & guidance for managing stress.
- Understanding the legal framework for managing workplace stress.
- Using a risk assessment to manage workplace stress.
- Discovering the mind-body connection to stress.
- Methods for reducing stress and increasing resilience.
From the facilitator, Jacqui Kristina:
I have worked in the NHS at primary care level and within acute trusts as a health & safety risk manager.
My previous posts include an Environmental Health Officer in local government, and a Police Officer in the West Midlands Police Force. As a result I have a deep understanding of some of the challenges of working within large and complex organisations and the impact this can have on health and well-being.
My work is now focused on energising and empowering individuals to step beyond the limitations and challenges they face without impacting on their health & well-being.