Skilled Motivational Interviewing
Category: Educational/Clinical Supervisors - Established Trainers Courses
Date: January 29th 2024 9:00am until February 12th 2024 4:00pm
Location: Zoom
MaxCourse ID: SW731
Two-Day Workshop: Monday 29th January 2024 & Monday 12th February 2024, 9am to 4pm both days
Motivational Interviewing helps people to talk themselves into changing by using an approach that is skilful, directional and compassionate. It aims to elicit from people their own thoughts ideas and motivation for making change. It does so by cultivating a safe, respectful and collaborative environment in which client receptivity and readiness for change can be explored and increased.
You will need to have attended "Introduction to Motivational Interviewing" before attending this course.
This 2-day workshop builds onto the half-day Introduction to Motivational Interviewing workshop already attended. Picking up from the initial workshop, this training will help participants to focus on the relational aspects of building a helpful collaborative partnership, and move onto considering key skills and strategies to focus on and elicit Change Talk, which in turn leads to the potential for change to happen. The training will also focus on supporting those ambivalent about making change and increasing readiness in those less ready.
This skill set will be helpful in supporting trainees, and that will be the focus of the days. However, the same skill set can be used by participants in any clinical encounters. The workshops will be a mix of live presentation, video, practice opportunities and discussion.
Booking for these courses will be taken on MaxCourse, our online booking system.
Information about how to use MaxCourse can be found on our website.
Please email with any questions, before and on the day.