Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Pelvic Floor
Category: Training - Other
Date: July 15th 2016 until July 16th 2016
Location: Postgraduate Medical Centre, Derriford Hospital, Plymouth PL6 8DH
Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Pelvic Floor.
This two day course is intended for both trainees and consultants. It is based on the regular ‘OASIS’ study day held in Plymouth, this year expanded to make up the annual BSUG meeting, which is located alternately in London and around the UK regions.
Day 1 consists of lectures on pelvic floor trauma and its prevention, management and long term consequences. The speakers – both UK and international - are experts in their field.
Day 2 is a hands-on workshop to develop skills in the repair of obstetric anal sphincter injury. There is a dinner on Friday evening at the Royal William Yard, Plymouth.
Further information and registration can be found via the following link: