Category: Training - Other

Date: March 20th 2020 9:30am until 5:30pm

Location: Plymouth Postgraduate Medical Centre, Derriford Hospital, Derriford Road, Plymouth PL6 8DH

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OASI SWOT Day - 20th March 2020


We are pleased to confirm the date for the next Obstetric sphincter injury study day, and we are delighted to advise that there will be a presentation by Dr Swati Jha of The British Society of Urogynaecology on medico-legal cases associated with obstetric injury.


Lunch will be provided along with a chance to socialise with other disciplines. The aim of the day is to appraise the incidence, risk factors, complications and outcomes associated with obstetric anal sphincter injuries, and review ways in which to reduce this. It is also a great opportunity to network.


To book a place, please go via Eventbrite


Any questions ask Ify Offiah or Lizzie Percy




0930 - 0945: Registration and coffee


0945 - 0950: Welcome and introduction

Professor Robert Freeman, Consultant Urogynaecologist, UHP NHST


0950 - 1015: Anatomy of anal sphincters & long term morbidity of OASI

Mr Chris Oppong, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, UHP NHST


1015 - 1100: Medico-legal cases associated with OASI

Ms Swati Jha, Consultant Gynaecologist, Sheffield Teaching Hospital


1100 - 11:15: Questions


1115 - 1145: Coffee


1145 - 1205: Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises; OASI follow up

Victoria Woodbridge-Harris, Women Health Physiotherapist, UHP NHST


1205 - 1230: Reduce: OASI care bundle and qualitative aspects

Posy Bidwell, Specialist Midwife, RCOG


1230 - 1255: Counselling for future deliveries

Ms Anu Dua, Consultant Urogynaecologist, UHP NHST


1255 - 1305: Questions


1305 - 1400: Lunch


1400 - 1440: Two workshops: in 4 groups. A/B/C/D

Short talk & discussion time; practical individual hands on. 25 mins each

Each group does both sessions

Episiotomy & Epi-scissors - Prof F & Heidi H           Nikki L & Charlotte J

Hands on or hands off? - Ify Offiah & Lizzie P         Eli Medd & Anna Dodd


1450 - 1500: Short Break


Medical team workshop:

1500 - 1700: Recognise and Repair of pig sphincerts. Room 2

Mr Chris Oppong, Ms Anu Dua, Ms Ify Offiah, Ms Jo Lambourne


Allied Health professional workshop:

1500 - 1700: Rooms 3, 4 and seminar room

30 mins per room

1 - Trauma and mental health.

Support groups for those coping with anal incontinence eg: MASIC, twitter groups

Professor Robert Freeman


2 - Recognise: How to do a PR/identification with a pig spincter

Discussion/workshop around prevention

Perineal massage

Lizzie Percy and Posy Bidwell


1730: Meeting close