Category: Training - Other

Date: April 4th 2019 8:30am until 12:30pm

Location: Postgraduate Medical Centre, Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro, Cornwall TR1 3LJ

Google map

Prevention and Repair Of perineal Trauma Episiotomy through Co-ordinated Training


0830 - 0900 Registration
0900 - 0915 Anatomy and physiology of the Perineum
0915 - 0945 Identification and repair techniques of obstetric anal sphincter injuries
0945 - 1015 Tea/Coffee break
1015 - 1045 Perineal service - the role of the pelvic floor physiotherapist, midwives and doctors… a holistic approach
1045 - 1230

Hands- on workshop: an opportunity to practice the technique of perineal trauma repair,

and anal sphincter repair (for midwives and doctors)

1230 Closing remarks


To register please contact: Jackie Dingle Urogynae CNS