Recognising and Developing Leadership Skills in Colleagues and Doctors in Training (PGDiTs) (ES/CS)
Category: Educational/Clinical Supervisors - Established Trainers Courses
Date: March 18th 2024 9:00am until 4:30pm
Location: MS Teams
MaxCourse ID: SW746
THE COURSE-a pithy description!
Feedback to HEE South West indicates that Educational Supervisors are looking for ways to understand and improve leadership skills in postgraduate trainees.
Here’s the catch…..
You are not likely to improve leadership skills in postgraduate trainees unless at the same time you improve your own leadership understandings and skills. So whilst this course is all about how to facilitate leadership skills in your trainees, along the way you will develop some of your own leadership skills in healthcare.
Why should I think about doing this course?
If you are interested in developing leadership skills in your trainees, supporting them in bringing about improvements to your educational programme and possibly clinical services in your department, understand how effective leadership functions in complex healthcare systems, how you can access resources for them and yourself that you never realized were available, and discovering this can be fun and interesting, then this might be the course for you.
What will we be covering?
Traditional ways of really making a difference through hierarchical top down leadership approaches are no longer proving to be very effective. The course will provide insights to help you appreciate the new skills and knowledge needed to be effective for yourself and for your postgraduate trainees in the future. The course covers topics like a simple useful leadership model, the characteristics of functioning teams, communicating clearly, how to raise difficult issues appropriately, negotiate effectively, how to understand and manage the many stakeholders in healthcare, how to access additional resource sand many other topics along the way. Covid has changed much, both positive and negative, and we may get a chance to discuss some of these issues as well.
Will I be bored by management talk?
If you are open minded, like a fast paced course and understand that management and leadership has a set of knowledge, theory and skills that are interesting, and which help you and your trainees at work, and in your social life, then maybe you would like to apply.
Booking for these courses will be taken on MaxCourse, our online booking system.
Information about how to use MaxCourse can be found on our website.
Please email with any questions, before and on the day.