Simulation Fellows
The Network continues to support Simulation Fellows. Currently we have two Paediatric simulation fellows working on simulation and immersive technology to support training - Sim Fellow Resources: Presentation by James Hambridge and Sam Janoff
Simulation/ Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Fellow Job Description
This exciting opportunity is open to anyone meeting the role specification below, with applications invited across all healthcare professional backgrounds.
We are delighted to announce a secondment opportunity to work with our senior staff on Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). The post may also fund a suitable one year part-time postgraduate qualification, appropriate to the post-holder’s learning requirements, in discussion with HEE, the individual’s employer, line manager or TPD/Head of School and the supervising Associate Deans in Simulation.
The knowledge and skills acquired through this post will also provide leadership experience to the successful applicant, and it is anticipated that at the end of the tenure the fellow will be equipped to promote and disseminate learning in Simulation and TEL, with the aims of improving patient safety, experience and efficiency in the NHS.
Postgraduate Medical Trainee:
The post is available as a secondment and it is anticipated that the successful post holder will spend 2 days (0.4WTE) on Simulation and TEL projects. The post is drawn from core/higher speciality and GP VTS training programmes.
Non-medical Practitioner:
The post is available as a secondment and it is anticipated that the successful post holder will be 1 WTE post spent on Simulation and TEL projects. Applications will be considered from band 6 – 8a.
The exact start date will be dependent on successful negotiations with the employer. For Postgraduate medical trainees there will be at least 12 weeks’ notice given to the employing trust and the agreement of the TPD or HOS or employer sought, if required, but an anticipated date would be around the end of February 2021. At the completion of the fellowship the post-holder(s) would return to their previous employment or training.
Health Education England (HEE) Southwest is committed to providing high-quality education for our clinicians. Simulation- based education (SBE) is considered an important and vital component of education in healthcare. Its adoption is supported by national policies and an expanding body of literature. SBE is an important element of training that is widely recognised as a means of improving patient outcomes through enhanced learning of evidence-based standards. SBE is an extremely useful teaching method and has become commonplace in many clinical areas and specialties. In the South West we have developed a Simulation Network, with enthusiastic input from health care professionals drawn from all health care sectors across the South West region.
In 2020 the lockdown related to Covid-19 has brought up a number of challenges in the delivery of training and education, and SBE is no exception. With social distancing and other precautions likely to persist for some time, education practitioners have been active in developing new models of education delivery and exploring new and innovative methods to deliver their learning objectives. The national Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) workstream has combined with guidance on the delivery of education from HEE, ASPiH and others to set standards and guidelines for the provision of education and SBE. However, it is unknown how effective these new ways of teaching are when compared to traditional models.
The HEE South West Simulation Network has numerous practitioners across the region who have been utilising new methods and new techniques of education, and we would like to assess these and see what lessons can be learned for other regions and other areas of activity. We are particularly interested in exploring telemedicine technology as a means to support simulation training, and we would also like to take the opportunity to enhance our resources by developing a library bank of innovative pedagogic resources combining educational videos and simulations. We wish to continue to support the Simulation Network and facilitate a project/small projects linked to telemedicine and other innovative technologies.