Terms of Reference

The aim of the South West Simulation Network is to provide a community of practice for multi-professional educators implementing simulation-based education (SBE) as educational tool within their practice. This is a forum to enable those with mutual interests in simulation and patient safety to connect and share ideas of best practice and common goals. The Network will enable individuals and organisations to build relationships, facilitate collaboration and build a strong well connected network.


South West Simulation Network set up to deliver the mission: Support Simulation to improve healthcare outcomes across the Southwest

Terms of Reference

The aim of the South West Simulation Network is to provide a community of practice for multi-professional educators implementing simulation-based education as an educational tool within their practice. Network events will enable those with mutual interests in simulation and patient safety to connect, allowing sharing ideas of best practice and common goals. These occasions will let individuals build relationships and a strong well-connected network.


  • Quality Assurance of simulation delivery through setting agreed standards of best practice, and supporting all organisations to work towards ASPiH accreditation.
  • Sharing resources to ensure equity of access to high quality simulation.
  • Including everyone from all professional backgrounds involved in healthcare to promote learning with each other from each other.
  • Establishing organisational leads for Human Factors and Simulation in each organisation delivering healthcare across the south west.
  • Promote network faculty development course.


Membership is open to all staff who supervise, manage, deliver or support simulation-based health and social care education in the South West geography, including partner organisations. Representation across the following disciplines and backgrounds is encouraged:

  • Under-graduate
  • Post-graduate
  • Multi-professional
  • North and south of the region
  • Primary care
  • Pre-hospital care
  • Community healthcare
  • Acute health care
  • Mental health Trusts
  • Academic health Science Network
  • Lead for bands 1 – 4 staff
  • Learning disability services


Business will only be conducted if the meeting is quorate. The group will be quorate with a minimum of 15 members in attendance, including either the Chair or nominated deputy. Virtual attendance is also encouraged where possible.

Attendance by Members

  • Two Chairs (one from the North and one from the South of the region) will be nominated and appointed 3 yearly.
  • Chair/s to appoint a deputy to attend if unable to do so
  • Members should send apologies if unable to attend
  • Members may send a deputy to attend on their behalf
  • Members should ensure contact details and membership is correct and confirmed at least
  • every 12 months
  • Notes from meeting will be recorded
  • NHSE (previously HEESW) will provide administrative support to the meetings

Attendance by Officers

Other Executive Directors, Senior Officers, Managers or patient safety leads, or specialist practitioners and other members of staff may be invited to attend meetings if appropriate. The network members reserve the right to invite external bodies or experts in the field on an ad hoc basis. These attendees will not have voting rights.

Lay person representation has been established and should be encouraged to continue.

Accountability and Reporting Arrangements

Network members will be invited to declare any interests they might have in any issues arising at the meeting which might conflict with the business of the Trust.

Minutes of meetings will be shared with members.

The SW website and iRIS will be utilised by members to enable sharing of resources and communication.

Executive group will provide quarterly reports to deputy dean at SW Post Graduate Medical Education, and annual report to NHSE (previously HEE). These reports will be available on the SW website and iRIS.


Meetings will be held quarterly, being hosted by members in centres across the region to ensure equity of access for all.


The  Network Executive will retain responsibility for all aspects of internal control, supported by the work of the network, satisfying itself that appropriate processes are in place to provide the required assurance.

Other Matters

The servicing, administrative and appropriate support to the Chair and the Network will be provided by the South West Deanery.


The Network will review its Terms of Reference and work programme on an annual basis as a minimum.